Friday, June 12, 2009

Pitagora Suichi

I don't usually watch my tv, since it's all in Japanese and there are no subtitles to help me. But every now and then I turn it on and if I'm lucky I'll find a show called "Pythagora Switch", an educational program for children. I like it cause I can usually understand most of it (since it's for young children the language is pretty simple), it's made to make you think, and generally speaking it's pretty amusing ^^

My favorite segment is called ju pon anime, "10 stick anime". It involves 10 sticks coming together and doing.... stuff =D

One of my all-time favorite songs from the show is the onomatope no uta, "onomatopoeia song", which shows just a few of the zillions of onomatopoeia there are in the Japanese language ^_^

And here are a few examples of the Pythagora Switches (Rube Goldberg machines) featured in the show

This one shows all the stops of the Yamanote Line in Tokyo

Cool show, hu? See? Television can be educational!


ArthurFrDent said...

heh, the pythagora stuff is fun! going to have to show that to the kids, because they love that sort of thing even though they are older... #1 son especially builds stuff like that for amusement.

Jason said...

Just wanted to let you know I've been enjoying the hell out of your blog- My name's Jason (I grew up in Colorado Springs and went to high school with Angela Hanis, who I saw in some of your photos!) and I'll be arriving to begin as an ALT in Gifu in six short weeks!

Thanks for posting so much great info!