Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Let it snow!

Two posts in two days? Must be some kind of record (-_^) It's snowing today. Big, fluffy, white flakes. The kind you only dream about as a kid, when you live in Colorado. The kind that only exist in places with copious amounts of moisture in the air. Perfect for molding into snowmen, or small projectiles to whack your friends with. The kind of snow I NEVER had growing up.

Course these days, that kind of snow translates not so much as "really fun stuff to play with" and more along the lines of "man, I have to shovel my car free"... but there's still something magic about it. At least in January. By March I know I'll be ready to enjoy the wonders of liquid olive oil (the likes of which has long since solidified at room temperature in my apartment. along with the honey. strangely enough though, the "salad" oil I bought for frying onions in December is remarkably fluid...)

Just after 4pm today a small break in the storm allowed me my "kairu chansu" (opportunity to go home), as my teachers put it

It lasted all of about 10 minutes before returning to this

Winter is back!


Unknown said...

you break out the kotatsu yet?

Jen said...

It's out, but not in use. Mostly I just shut myself into the "little" room, turn on the heater, and curl up on the electric blanket ^^

Anonymous said...

er, yeah, it's 60 and sunny here, but I'd trade places, 'cuz snow is my thing. It's hard to believe that such a place where it snows commonly doesn't have central heat... oh, and what you get here is champaigne powder. Though, do boarders like powder like that? Me, I need two boards to ski on, not one sideways, even though I was quite a skate rat when I was a punk kid. Bah, either way I can't afford that sort of thing now...

anywho, the pictures, they be great ;)