Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Aikido-less Jen

As I mentioned before, I've been studying Shin Shin Toitsu Aikido (commonly referred to as Ki-Aikido) for just over 2 years. My Sensei generously offered to look into possible Ki-Aikido dojos in Takayama that I could study at while I was there.

He informed me after class tonight that, unfortunately, there are no Ki-Aikido dojos in all of Gifu Prefecture. Bummer!

I can't say I was surprised to hear there were no dojos for my school of Aikido in Takayama, but the entire prefecture? It sounds like the closest dojo I might be able to train at is in Osaka, which would really only be feasible if I went to a conference or something. But I would definitely have to take vacation time for that.

So, it's doubtful I will be able to progress much in Aikido over the next year, though Nabel Sensei did mention that I could continue to study the art of Ki, on my own, while I am there. Which is something, at least. And I will of course bring along my keikogi (uniform for training), since you never know what opportunities might pop up ^_^

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