Sunday, August 26, 2007

Speech! Speech!

Tomorrow is the first day of classes following summer vacation here in Takayama. Accordingly, I have to give a speech to the entire school at Miya JH. In Japanese. I've heard that some of my entries can get quite lengthy (this one's for you Kraig!), so here we have a nice short one: my speech. I wrote it all by myself ^_^ with a little help from my friend Ria....

minesan, ohayo gozaimasu
watashi no namae wa Jennifer desu
Jen to yonde kudasai
watashi wa amerika no kodorado no denba kara kimashita
shichi gatsu nijuku nichi ni nihon ni kimashita
to hachi gatsu tsuitachi ni takayama ni kimashita
amerika de nihongo o benkyoshimashita ga, mada heta desu
watashi wa koko ni korete ureshi desu
issho gambatimasho
dozo yoroshiku onegaishimasu

Good morning everyone
My name is Jennifer
Please call me Jen
I am from Denver, Colorado, USA
I came to Japan on July 29
and I came to Takayama on August 1
I studied Japanese in America, but I am still poor at it
I am very happy to be here
Lets work together
It's nice to meet you

It's been an awesome weekend, can't wait to post about it. Later. heh heh.

Also, a shout out to Isaac and Cassie on their engagement! Congrats guys! So happy for ya! I admire your courage ^_^

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